Lion of St. Mark, Piazza San Marco, Venice |
That's enough for the Gospel of Mark, at least here at Rom Phra Khun. What I've decided to do is to start a new blog and continue the Mark series of postings there (there's another 40-some to go!). I've named the new blog Rom Phra Khun Bible. Rather than try to keep posting something here at Rom Phra Khun every day, I'll move back and forth between the two blogs and keep readers here notified when a new posting appears at Rom Phra Khun Bible. For the time being, I plan to post here M-W-F and maybe Sunday and there T-Th-S. We'll see how it goes.
So, I encourage readers to check out the new blog. It looks very different from this one. But both share the same ultimate goal, which is to continue to chew on matters that matter, especially ones that have to do with faith in Christ.