As helpful as he is, there is for us a piece of the spiritual life that is missing, which is a connection with God—the source, the direction, and the inspiration of our personal spirituality. Christian spirituality is a reaching Out and Up with longing as well as a reaching down in peace, rest, and quiet. Hence an adjustment is for us helpful in meditation:
The mantra:
Breathing in, I know that I am breathing in;Becomes:
Breathing out, I know that I am breathing out.
Breathing in, Lord, I know that I am breathing in;And the mantra:
Breathing out, Lord, I know that I am breathing out.
Breathing in, I embrace being peaceful, calm, and at rest;Becomes:
Breathing out, I embrace being peaceful, calm, and at rest.
Breathing in, Lord, you inspire me to be peaceful, calm, and at rest;Buddhist insight meditation is an invitation to dialogue with oneself in order to come to rest in the non-self that is the true self. Christian insight meditation is a divine invitation to dialogue with oneself in the Presence of God in order to come to rest in the Beyond-self that is the true self. Amen.
Breathing out, Lord, I welcome being peaceful, calm, and at rest.